While mask mandates have been lifted across Canada, many people are still choosing to wear them – and that is okay!
“With the return to the in-person work environment, “mask shaming” has become a cause for concern. Workers who choose to continue to wear a mask have sometimes been stigmatized by those who believe it’s inappropriate, ineffective, or politicized.
Similarly, in the meeting and event environment, planners need to recognize that some attendees will continue to wear masks because they or someone in their household has a chronic health condition, isn’t vaccinated, or simply wants to remain vigilant. Recognizing that masks have become politically charged, it’s important to think about whether your event has an inclusive culture for attendees going against the current no-mask norm.” – Sue Hatch, MeetingsNet
Here are 5 tips to prevent mask shaming at your next event:
- Include reminders in your ‘Event Code of Conduct’ documents that outline bullying of any kind will not be tolerated at your event.
- Ensure that your event protocols are sent to all attendees prior to the event and can be found on the event website landing page.
- Include whether or not masks are encouraged, mandatory or suggested and remind attendees to be kind to everyone regardless of how they show up.
- If there are certain areas of the venue, specific transportation modes (such as public transportation), or specific activities at the event that will have different masking requirements, make sure this is clearly outlined.
- Whether or not you require masks at your event, ensure that signage is visible, clear and concise. If masks are optional, clearly state that so those who choose to wear them are not singled out.
- Consider including a section on masks in your dress code communications.
- Have a box of masks available at your registration table so guests can take a mask if they would like – this will also show the attendees who chose to wear masks that they will not be singled out.
Now that masking is a personal choice for the most part, individuals should be allowed to make that choice without fear of repercussions or conflict and these simple tips and applications will help to create a positive environment for everyone, regardless of whether they decide to mask or not.
– Your Tycoon, Lindsay XO
Please note: This article was based on a great article we came across from MeetingsNet, 4 Ways to Prevent Mask Shaming At Your Event.