A hybrid event: an event that combines a live, in-person component with a virtual, online component.
While many might think that events need to be strictly virtual, hybrid is certainly an option to be looking into. Presentation stages:
- provide an opportunity to enhance attendee engagement
- ensures that the appropriate (and essential, if you ask us!) tech support is available at your fingertips
- allows for maximum flexibility for your speaker(s) and presenter(s) regardless of their location
- provides an opportunity for a wide variety of presentation formats
- still factors in essential branding applications, décor, ambiance, etc.
Three local vendors (FMAV, invert720, and Production World) have done a fantastic job at making presentation stages available to one and all, identifying any needs that one might have for their event and ensuring that the tech support, human support, and customer service is woven seamlessly through the experience.
These three vendors have also gone to great lengths to ensure that all essential COVID protocols are in place, met, and exercised. All have communications and information prepared to answer any safety questions that you might have.
FMAV has a lot of great information to offer in regards to the various presentation stages that they provide. You probably have many questions. How does the presentation stage experience work? What are the various presentation stages available? Why use a presentation stage? Well, you’re in luck! FMAV has all of the answers for you!
invert720’s studio is designed for hosting live and remote presenters in multiple locations in a safe, socially-distanced environment.
Equipped with multiple HD cameras, state-of-the-art sound equipment, broadcast-quality lighting, a customizable video wall, scenic backdrops, and streaming platforms to bring in your live and remote participants, expect to come off looking your absolute best.
Interested in more info? Take a peek at their studio space.
Production World
Production World launched its Virtual Studio in May 2020. One of the first providers to roll out the innovative ideas of the presentation stage, they’ve hosted a multitude of different events in their state-of-the-art studio space.
Since its inception, Production World Virtual has produced virtual online events with Junior Achievement, Driving Force, Zebra Centre, Skills Alberta, Rotary Club of St. Albert, Skills Alberta Canada, Edmonton Broadcaster’s Club, Connecting Care, Centre for Family Literacy and more.
Using Zoom as the engagement platform, the events have proven themselves: JA Raised $65,000; Zebra Centre $35,000; St, Albert Rotary $50,000. Canadian Country Music Artist, Brett Kissell, was the inaugural performance in Studio A known as THE STUDIO,
Tour more information about Production World’s Studio space.
We’ve chatted a lot about the necessity of having tech and AV support as part of your virtual or hybrid event. Virtual events: virtually limitless in terms of possibilities but prone to virtually any, and all, hiccups. Make sure you are setting yourself and your team up with the right key players, starting with the right AV partner!
– Your Tycoon, Eryne XO