Objective: The parents of kids with disabilities deal with the regular parenting difficulties plus a magnitude of unique challenges. The objective of this event was to make sure the parents were treated to an evening of complete indulgence and relaxation. We wanted to make these parents feel truly special; because of the parents don’t take time to take care of themselves, how can they take care of their children that depend on them every single day? Luckily, Tycoon’s know what it is like to work hard and know the best ways to wind down and chill out.
Outcome: We were able to take over the AdaptAbilities head office to create a pop-up spa with several lounges and activity stations! From fun VR games for our tech-savvy Dads to hair and makeup styling for the Moms, everyone was treated to something unique and special. To accompany the evening we also brought in a terrarium craft class where guests got to make their very own terrarium ornaments to hang in their homes for the holidays; a photo booth to capture the evenings moments with other parents, and a massage lounge, which included chair massages, relaxing music and diffusers giving off a custom made essential oil. Most importantly, Tycoon’s know there is no event without festive food and celebratory drinks, so of course a spread of delectable eats and an array of wine and beer tastings were provided. The absolute best part of the night was when we surprised the Mothers at the event with a divine gift of Hillberg and Berk earrings! Each Mom was provided with two sets of earrings: one to keep and wear and one to give to another woman to add to her sparkle. Seeing all the deserving parents take in a night for just themselves and all of the appreciation they felt told us we had done our jobs.