Objective: We were honoured to be invited by CASA Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health to support the planning of their professional development day: Honouring Indigenous Knowledges. The goal of the day was to provide a safe space for learning and education in preparation for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th.
Outcome: Their goal attendance was met with just over 100 attendees, including clinicians, staff, partners, and special guests. Each attendee was also provided with a custom orange shirt in support of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
The day’s events included a smudge ceremony, morning and afternoon concurrent sessions, a keynote speaker, a cultural showcase, a flag-raising ceremony, and an Indigenous-focused lunch for all attendees.
One lucky attendee also won a subscription to Idigenous Box, a seasonal subscription box based in amiskwaciwâskahikan.
One goal of the event was to learn and respect various Indigenous practices, traditions, and culture to further offer support to the Indigenous community. The event supported a number of local Indigenous businesses, including the catering company, AV provider, keynote and concurrent speakers, graphic designer, and t-shirt supplier.
Attendees were able to participate in traditional Indigenous practices, experience teachings in tipis, and share in a community round dance. All of these experiences offered enlightenment, opened conversations, and provided education to all that were in attendance.