As the Office of the Auditor General of Alberta works towards enhancing their profile and brand with their newly unveiled campaign, Tycoon was brought onboard to support their student recruitment efforts. The OAG has been developing a new strategy that aligns with the office’s long-term strategic plan. The campaign introduces the concept of “Fortune Favours the Bold” and include a focus on student recruitment and staff engagement. And though student recruitment might be one silo within the office, it was a top priority for our team, during our involvement, to ensure that the campaign’s message and the OAG brand was positioned as an undertone to any initiative we were working on and presenting whether internally or externally.
As legislative auditors, working within the OAG makes a difference to, and for, Albertans. For millennials, working within the Office means being a part of work that has meaningful impact within the Province of Alberta. For accountants and auditors, working within the Office means pioneering a road less traveled and having the opportunity to impact positive and meaningful change.
As part of onsite recruitment activities, marketing resources included fortune cookies with key messages related to the campaign, “Be Bold” lapel pins, new collateral featuring information respective to working at the OAG, and new display collateral. With the onsite recruitment activities being only one part to the roll out plan for the new campaign, over the coming months there will also be upgrades to the OAG website, elevated social media engagement, additional awareness presentations, and stakeholders events/meetings.
Tycoon’s team was able to add value beyond certain limitations of internal resources, ensuring that we met the OAG’s objectives and found a way to connect outreach with strengthening the OAG’s brand awareness and reputation.
With the roll out of the new strategy, Tycoon focused support and efforts in the following areas:
1. Information and Collateral
Review and audit of current:
– Volunteer Information Materials and/or Reference Packages to help onboard students and orient them for the onsite recruitment activities.
– Marketing collateral to be handed out at the onsite recruitment activities.
– Assistance with creating new content or amending existing content/collateral as it relates to the:
o Volunteer Information Materials and/or Reference Packages to help onboard them and orient them for the onsite recruitment activities.
o Marketing collateral to be handed out at the onsite recruitment activities.
2. Volunteer Engagement:
Training Sessions:
– Attend or Co-Lead any training sessions for volunteers and Ambassadors.
– Provide insights and contributions to any volunteer packages and training information to prepare volunteers for onsite event support and engagement.
3. Recruitment Activities:
– Volunteer Recruitment: assist with finding onsite team members to be onsite at the scheduled recruitment activities to act as ambassadors on behalf of the OAG.
– Onsite for all recruitment activities, such as:
o the “Meet the Firm” event hosted by the Macewan University Accounting Club
o the “CPA Meet the Employer Edmonton” hosted by CPA
o the “U of A’s Amazing Race” event hosted by the U of A Accounting Club
o the “Office of the Auditor General of Alberta’s Networking Event”
4. Additional Recruitment Activities and Onsite Engagement:
– Researching and assisting with opportunities for the OAG to host new and recruitment activities, beyond those which they are currently participating in, and assist with establishing new connections and relationships of alignment.