Customer Service In A Virtual World

Poor customer service. Nothing kills a good product or brand faster. Based on a poor experience, people will just spend their money elsewhere. Why invest in a brand that doesn’t want to invest in you? So why the exception when it comes to the virtual event space?

Clearing the Air on Virtual Event Platforms

The further we get into this virtual event landscape and the more time we spend planning virtual events, the more we realize that there are a lot of people are making assumptions about virtual events and, usually, about virtual event platforms specifically.

Tycoon's top 10 memories

Tycoon’s Top 10 Team Memories

During this last week of Tycoon’s 5th year of business, our team got a tad sentimental and reflected on some of our favourite memories from the last 5 years. Here’s Tycoon’s Top 10 Team Memories!

Tycoon’s Top 10 Industry Resources Part 2

Over this last year, we’ve done a whole lotta learning, adapting, and re-imagining. But that couldn’t have been done without some trusted, sound, and reliable sources. Tycoon’s Road Map To the Top 10 Industry Resources.

Sharing Some Love for #YEGLOCAL Outdoor Winter Events

This holiday season, the Tycoons are focusing on spreading some holiday cheer and sharing some local love to our outdoor favourite events that we’re grateful are still able to take place this season. Here are some of the events that our team has been visiting so far this holiday season!

Presenting the Presentation Stage

While many might think that events need to be strictly virtual, hybrid is certainly an option to be looking into. Presentation stages provide an opportunity to enhance attendee engagement, ensures that the appropriate (and essential if you ask us!) tech support is available at your fingertips,

Lessons Learned from a Virtual First-Timer

Let’s reflect on all those crucial first-timer learnings captured from our first virtual event. Though only 5 lessons learned for now, they’re bound to get you started on the right path or thinking differently about your virtual event design!

The ‘Yellow Brick Road’ of Events

In March of this year (right before COVID hit = perfect timing as per usual), Tycoon welcomed four new tycoons onto the team.  In June, three of us began walking …

Designing with Compassion & Vulnerability

Over the last couple of months, I’ve been heavily involved in our event trend project, researching and sharing trends from all industries, all over the world as they relate to …

Let’s Get Virtual, Virtual!

Whew! The last five months have been a whirlwind for the event industry, to say the very least. Like those around us, Tycoon Events has been focused on navigating the …